Friday, March 20, 2015

so we had this awesome wedding and we had our awesome friends close.
we kinda miss them something fierce. 
As far as the clotheshorse...most of our attire from the wedding came from the clotheshorse. and i have already re-purposed my dress...keeping my old gringo boots though. By the way, we have some old gringo boots for sale in the shop now. They are camo and i think that has it's limitations even in Alabama. We will sale them i am confident of that little niblet. blogging is hard. it takes so much time and i am busy working to provide this great haven of clothes and accessories for my wonderful and loved customers. Please come and see our great selection. Spring is here and we have all sorts of cute items. If you need wedding attire...we are for you. If you need ballpark attire...we are for you. If you need spring break attire...we are for you. If you need church attire...we are for you. If you need need nudist park attire...we can't help you. Just seeing if you are still with me! ha! really though we have anything from Chacos to lululemon to tory burch and back to patagonia. 
Keep a look out for our renovation we will be starting on our store beginning in a month or maybe two. It will be rustic industrial and we are pretty stoked to show it to you. stay safe peeps!